Cleaning the farmhouse for company (spiders!) takes her back four decades, to a reading of “Charlotte’s Web.”

Bulletin Board

The Permanent Motherly/Sonly Record

DebK of Rosemount: “A crew installing some kind of infrastructure ‘upgrade’ has managed to sever our ‘fiber-optics,’ leaving us without Internet connection, a situation that has freed up quite a lot of time I’d otherwise have wasted on email and blogs and the like. I’ve dedicated many of these liberated hours to preparing for the arrival of Texas Sis, whose stay will overlap the visit of Favorite Son and his family.

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Life as clown alley knew it — or: When a white clown fell in love with a black showgirl . . .

Bulletin Board

Clowning around
Including: Then  & Now

Another circus memoir from Tim Torkildson (which we urge you to read, even if you aren’t so big a fan of these circus tales as we are — we know you’re out there!): “The Ringling clown alley in its heyday was an uninhibited bedlam, but with an underlying bedrock of showbiz professionalism. It really didn’t matter who you were, what you did or thought, or how often you sang ‘Ridi Pagliaccio‘ to no one in particular — as long as you showed up fairly sober for each show and didn’t steal from a fellow clown. Just about everything else, in clown alley parlance, was ‘jake.’

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